Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I've been wanting to touch on this subject for a while, I just haven't done it until now. I really believe that we should try and recycle what we can, believe it or not it does reduce the amount of waist that we go through and it is cost reducing if you re use something that you already have instead of trying to make it from scratch all over again. My reasoning for this is I look at where I work and I see how much waist we go through. We have what we call a Geedunk, that's Navy talk for candy. It has more than that like, chips, soda, water, cough drops, aspirin, coffee, oatmeal, and lots of other stuff. Well, when you're going there what seems like thirteen million times a day to get a water or a soda, and when you're done with it what do you do? Throw it away in the trash can. There's more that you can do with that if you or we would actually make an effort to recycle. We waste so much where I work and it doesn't seem to phase anyone that we can actually reduce the amount that were throwing away. Also, we have shredders that eat up lots of paper and what do we do when it's full....throw it in the trash instead of trying to recycle. If we actually could put forth and effort we could have a tremendous effect on the environment and a lot of other stuff. I know that I'm probably preaching to the Choir here but take the time and go the extra step to help the earth and reduce the amount of waist that we go through, if we don't do it who else is going to? The little green men from Mars? If there is such a thing! So come on get up don't throw that plastic bottle in the trash set it aside and recycle it.

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