Sunday, May 17, 2009

Understanding...or not

Sometimes when you need someone to understand or many someones to understand they don't. They may or may not try. The only person that would know if they did or did not would be them. My friends, well most, with the exception of two don't seem to really understand why I do what I do. Friends are there to support you and be there for you through the bad times, it doesn't mean that they agree with what you are doing. Most of my friends don't understand why I still love Him, or why I still want to be with him. First of all they are not us, so therefore they don't understand what is between us or what we have talked about on a one on one bases, and second of all they may not have the devotion and patience and possibly the love that I posses. I'm the type of person that doesn't give up or doesn't want t0 give up. I don't do the bashing of the one that has hurt me and I'm not putting my life on hold. My friends seem to think that I'm putting my life on hold for Him, and I'm not. I will see other people if the occasion arises, but it will only be to fill the void. I don't want to be with any other person at this moment and I don't know when or if I will want to. But it's my decision to make, and I appreciate their concern, I just need them to understand that it's my decision to make and I'll make the one that suites me the best. Love is not a light switch, you can't turn it off and on at a moments notice.

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